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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saint Paul's Church, Mersin

Saint Paul's Church is a former Greek Orthodox church in Tarsus, Mersin Province, Turkey. Tarsus, in the Cilicia of the antiquity, in what is now southern Turkey, was an important city during both ancient and medieval ages. The tombs of Daniel of the Bible, and the caliph Al-Ma'mun (786-833), are both in Tarsus. Saint Paul was a resident of Tarsus. He was born and lived in Tarsus as a Jew named Saul and after converting, made a number of missionary journeys during which he was arrested and beheaded by emperor Nero of Roman Empire in AD 64 or 67 on the 29th of June. After Saint Paul's death, Tarsus continued as an important city of the area. 

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